
Librarians are graduates of Bachelor of Library and Information Science and posses the required Professional License. At least 3-5 years of experience is required.

Knowledge, Skills and Attributes

1. Knowledgeable in information resources and records management
2. Professional search skills
3. Ability to apply and observe policies, procedures, and ethics
4. Excellent communication skills
5. Familiarity with technological tools
6. Customer service skills

Cost of Education and Training

The tuition fee in private colleges and universities for Bachelor of Library and Information Science ranges from P50,000-P60,000 per semester while SUCs offer courses free of tuition with minimal fees from P1,5000-P2,000 per semester.

Employment Prospects
Monthly Salary Range
10,000 - 21,000



Propects for Career Advancement

Librarians may work in various settings, including public libraries, educational institutions, museums, corporations, government agencies. They may advance in their careers as section librarians or Head Librarians e.g. Acquisitions librarians
Administrative services librarians, Catalog librarians, Children’s librarians, Collection development librarians, Electronic resources librarians, Film librarians, Government documents librarians, High school librarians, Information architect librarians, Interlibrary loan services librarians, Law librarians, Medical librarians, Music librarians, Periodicals librarians, Public librarians, Record librarians, Reference librarians, Research librarians, School librarians, Serials librarians, Special librarians, Technical services librarians, University librarians, User services librarians, Youth services librarians