
Marine Engineers are Bachelor’s Degree in Marine Engineering or equivalent. At least 5-10 years experience is required.

Knowledge, Skills and Attributes

1. Knowledge of engineering science and technology
2. Ability to use, repair and maintain machines and tools
3. Knowledge of physics
4. Design skills and knowledge
5. Excellent communication skills (written and verbal)
6. Detail-oriented
7. Advance computer skills
8. Critical thinking skills
9. Active listening
10. Complex problem solving skills

Cost of Education and Training

The tuition fee in private colleges and universities for BS in Marine Engineering range from P28,000-P30,000 per semester while public colleges and universities offer courses free of tuition.

Employment Prospects
Monthly Salary Range
25,000 - 50,000



Propects for Career Advancement

Marine Engineers may gain experience and training to specialize in project management, research and development or consultancy. They may also find opportunity in shore-based roles with responsibility for vessel refits, legal work in maritime engineering safety and shipping fleet management.